I love this album. I hadn't heard it until January of 2007, but it threw me for loop immediately. Dan Boeckner's voice echoes through the night while Spencer Krug's heavy keyboards and driving drums back him up perfectly. The song "Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts," has some of the best lyrics on the album:
"Well I've got a hand
So I've got a fist
So I've got a plan
It's the best that I can do
Now we say 'It's in god's hands'
But god doesn't always have the best god damn plans does he?"
Currently, the band is mixed with various other musical projects, most of which involve Boeckner's voice backed up by similar musician ship. Some of these other projects include Swan Lake, Sunset Rubdown, and Handsome Furs. Wolf Parade are currently finishing up their sophomore album, and have been playing songs off of it for some time now. It is expected to be finished sometime in the Spring of '08.
Apologies to the Queen Mary (2005)